Courses Offered Spread the love Courses OfferedSubjects of 8th, 9th, 10thEnglishHindiMarathiScienceMathematicsHistoryGeographySubjects of 11th, 12thEnglishPhysicsChemistryMathematicsBiologyMediumsEnglishSemi-englishUrdu No. Std Starting fromSubjects18th, 9th, 10th1 May 2019All211th, 12th1 Feb 2019All3NEET/MHT-CET-201814 March 2019Medical and Engineering4Engineering and Polytechnic1 Feb 2019 M1, M2, M3 and M45Spoken English1 April 2019Basic and Adv. Grammar6Software Testing1 April 2019Manual and Automation Testing7Website Developmet Spread the love
Subjects of 8th, 9th, 10thEnglishHindiMarathiScienceMathematicsHistoryGeographySubjects of 11th, 12thEnglishPhysicsChemistryMathematicsBiologyMediumsEnglishSemi-englishUrdu No. Std Starting fromSubjects18th, 9th, 10th1 May 2019All211th, 12th1 Feb 2019All3NEET/MHT-CET-201814 March 2019Medical and Engineering4Engineering and Polytechnic1 Feb 2019 M1, M2, M3 and M45Spoken English1 April 2019Basic and Adv. Grammar6Software Testing1 April 2019Manual and Automation Testing7Website Developmet